October 4, 2020

Welcome to Grade One at Royal Oak School. It has been a pleasure to get to know your child over the last month.   We are looking forward to an exciting year of teaching and learning with your child. 

Parents are reminded that children are not to play on the playground for the 15 minutes before or after the start (9:09am) and end (3:49pm) times of Royal Oak School.


Please be sure to have your child practice putting on their masks, jackets, shoes and backpacks at home.  Please label EVERYTHING with their name in case they are misplaced in the classroom or school.  If items are misplaced, you can locate our lost and found at the front entrance of the school.  Please send extra masks in your child's backpack in the event that a mask is lost, becomes dirty or is damaged. Masks should be washed everyday.

Indoor Shoes

We are asking that students bring a pair of indoor shoes that they can independently put on and take off. Please do not send laces. 


Grade One students will be eating their lunches in their classroom.  Lunch hours are from 12:36am – 1:22pm Monday through Thursday.

We set aside some time each morning during recess for students to eat their snacks as part of a classroom community.   Due to a severe nut and peanut allergies, please do not send any peanuts, tree nuts, tree nut or peanut  products or items containing peanuts or tree nuts. 

Please ensure your child is able to open all of their own snacks and lunch materials independently (this includes tupperware, packaging and water bottles). Unfortunately teachers cannot be touching or handling student belongings.

We will accommodate a longer snack time on Fridays to suit the 9:09am - 1:09pm class time. Please pack a larger snack for this time. 


We have a Google Classroom set up where we will post weekly classroom updates. Your child should have received an invitation to their Classroom through their email. Please login to your child's email account and accept the invitation. If your child attended kindergarten at Royal Oak the login is the same. New students should have received an email from the teacher with their child's login information.

Activities and assignments will be posted in the event that we need to move online at any time throughout the year.  This will also be our learning platform in the event we need to pivot to Scenario 2 (partial in class learning) or Scenario 3 (physical schools closed, all learning online).  

2020 - 2021 Grade One Teachers

Ms. Chris Mercer        Room 54        mcmercer@cbe.ab.ca
Mrs. Kim Cook            Room 55        skcook@cbe.ab.ca
Mrs. Sarah Power       Room 78        sapower@cbe.ab.ca
Mrs. Sabrina Libbey    Room 79        sllibbey@cbe.ab.ca
Ms. Laureen Plaxin     HUB              lmplaxin@cbe.ab.ca

Important Dates 

Friday, October 9 - PD Day - No school for students
Monday, October 12 - Thanksgiving - No school
Friday, October 30 - PD Day - No school for students